Welcome to the 5MHz Propagation Forecasting page.
The idea of the page is quite simple, to produce 5MHz forecasts from the 5MHz experiment's database. To produce a forecast merely input the relevant data into the form. More meaningful output will be had (especially when the ionosphere is disturbed) if an input is included for the AP.* Filling in the locator boxes with the required QRA's will enable forecasts for the required path. If a smoothed curve output is desired, click "Smoothing". Click "submit" to begin the forecasting process. Enjoy.
This application uses data from the following sources:
* Use the URL ftp://ftp.swpc.noaa.gov/pub/weekly/27DO.txt to obtain a likely AP figure, the figure to use is under the column "Planetary A index". Or when the ionosphere is disturbed the URL http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/wwv.txt may prove more useful.