Random Sequence Mutator

Here’s a handy one(ish)-liner to mutate an input sequence using Perl’s RegEx engine:

epiphyte:~ rmp$ perl -e '$seq="ACTAGCTACGACTAGCATCGACT"; $mutants = [qw(A C T G)];
  print "$seq\n";
  $seq =~ s{([ATGC])}{ rand() < 0.5 ? $mutants->[int rand 4] : $1 }smiexg;
  print "$seq\n";'

This gives each base in $seq a 50% chance (rand() < 0.5) of mutating to something, but as the original base is in the available $mutants array it has a further 25% chance of changing to itself. If you wanted to improve it by excluding the original base for each mutation you might do something like:

epiphyte:~ rmp$ perl -e '$seq="ACTAGCTACGACTAGCATCGACT"; $mutants = [qw(A C T G)];
  $mutsize=scalar @{$mutants}; print "$seq\n";
  $seq =~ s{([ATGC])}{ rand() < 0.5 ? [grep { $_ ne $1 } @{$mutants}]->[int rand $mutsize-1] : $1 }smiexg;
  print "$seq\n";'

This (quite inefficiently) builds an array of all available options from $mutants, excluding $1 the matched base at each position.

Unrolling it and tidying it up a little for readability looks like this:

my $mutants = [qw(A C T G)];
my $mutsize = scalar @{$mutants};

print "$seq\n";

$seq =~ s{([ATGC])}{
   rand() < 0.5
   [grep { $_ ne $1 } @{$mutants}]->[int rand $mutsize-1]

print "$seq\n";'