Random Sequence Mutator

Here’s a handy one(ish)-liner to mutate an input sequence using Perl’s RegEx engine:

epiphyte:~ rmp$ perl -e '$seq="ACTAGCTACGACTAGCATCGACT"; $mutants = [qw(A C T G)];
  print "$seq\n";
  $seq =~ s{([ATGC])}{ rand() < 0.5 ? $mutants->[int rand 4] : $1 }smiexg;
  print "$seq\n";'

This gives each base in $seq a 50% chance (rand() < 0.5) of mutating to something, but as the original base is in the available $mutants array it has a further 25% chance of changing to itself. If you wanted to improve it by excluding the original base for each mutation you might do something like:

epiphyte:~ rmp$ perl -e '$seq="ACTAGCTACGACTAGCATCGACT"; $mutants = [qw(A C T G)];
  $mutsize=scalar @{$mutants}; print "$seq\n";
  $seq =~ s{([ATGC])}{ rand() < 0.5 ? [grep { $_ ne $1 } @{$mutants}]->[int rand $mutsize-1] : $1 }smiexg;
  print "$seq\n";'

This (quite inefficiently) builds an array of all available options from $mutants, excluding $1 the matched base at each position.

Unrolling it and tidying it up a little for readability looks like this:

my $mutants = [qw(A C T G)];
my $mutsize = scalar @{$mutants};

print "$seq\n";

$seq =~ s{([ATGC])}{
   rand() < 0.5
   [grep { $_ ne $1 } @{$mutants}]->[int rand $mutsize-1]

print "$seq\n";'

Bookmarks for May 6th through May 22nd

These are my links for May 6th through May 22nd:

unique, overlapping kmer strings

Tinkering today I wrote a quick toy to generate strings of unique, overlapping kmers. Not particularly efficient, but possibly handy nonetheless.

It takes a given k size, a configurable overlap and optionally the bases to use. First it generates a list of all the kmers then it recursively scans for matching overlapping kmers and extends a seed, terminating the recursion and printing if all kmers have been used.

Run it like so:

 ./kmer-overlap -k=3 -overlap=2 ACTG
# Author:        rmp
# Created:       2013-05-15
# Last Modified: $Date$
# Id:            $Id$
# HeadURL:       $HeadURL$
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Readonly;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);

Readonly::Scalar our $DEFAULT_K => 3;
Readonly::Scalar our $DEFAULT_BASES => [qw(A C T G)];

my $opts = {};
GetOptions($opts, qw(k=s rand help));

if($opts->{help}) {
  print < <"EOT"; $PROGRAM_NAME - rmp 2013-05-15 Usage:  $PROGRAM_NAME -k=3 -overlap=2 -rand ACTG EOT   exit; } my $k       = $opts->{k}       || $DEFAULT_K;
my $overlap = $opts->{overlap} || $k-1;
my $bases   = $DEFAULT_BASES;

if(scalar @ARGV) {
  $bases = [grep { $_ } map {split //smx} @ARGV];

# Build all available kmers
my $kmers = [];

for my $base1 (@{$bases}) {
  build($base1, $bases, $kmers);

# optionally randomise the seeds
if($opts->{rand}) {

# start with a seed
for my $seed (@{$kmers}) {
  my $seen = {
	      $seed => 1,
  solve($seed, $seen);

sub build {
  my ($seq, $bases, $kmers) = @_;
  if(length $seq == $k) {
    # reached target k - store & terminate
    push @{$kmers}, $seq;
    return 1;

  for my $base (@{$bases}) {
    # extend and descend
    build("$seq$base", $bases, $kmers);


sub solve {
  my ($seq_in, $seen) = @_;

  if(scalar keys %{$seen} == scalar @{$kmers}) {
    # exhausted all kmers - completed!
    print $seq_in, "\n";
    return 1;

  my $seq_tail     = substr $seq_in, -$overlap, $overlap;

  my $overlapping  = [grep { $_ =~ /^$seq_tail/smx } # filter in only seqs which overlap the seed tail
		      grep { !$seen->{$_} }          # filter out kmers we've seen already
  if(!scalar @{$overlapping}) {
    # no available overlapping kmers - terminate!

  if($opts->{rand}) {

  my $overhang = $k-$overlap;
  for my $overlap_seq (@{$overlapping}) {
    # extend and descend
    my $seq_out = $seq_in . substr $overlap_seq, -$overhang, $overhang;
    solve($seq_out, {%{$seen}, $overlap_seq => 1});


sub shuffle {
  my ($arr_in) = @_;
  for my $i (0..scalar @{$arr_in}-1) {
    my $j = int rand $i;
    ($arr_in->[$i], $arr_in->[$j]) = ($arr_in->[$j], $arr_in->[$i]);

Output looks like this:

epiphyte:~ rmp$ ./kmer-overlap -k=2 AC

restart a script when a new version is deployed

I have a lot of scripts running in a lot of places, doing various little jobs, mostly shuffling data files around and feeding them into pipelines and suchlike. I also use Jenkins CI to automatically run my tests and build deb packages for Debian/Ubuntu Linux. Unfortunately, being a lazy programmer I haven’t read up about all the great things deb and apt can do so I don’t know how to fire shell commands like “service x reload” or “/etc/init.d/x restart” once a package has been deployed. Kicking a script to pick up changes is quite a common thing to do.

Instead I have a little trick that makes use of the build process changing timestamps on files when it rolls up the package. So when the script wakes up, and starts the next iteration of its event loop, the first thing it does is check the timestamp of itself and if it’s different from the last iteration it executes itself, replacing the running process with a fresh one.

One added gotcha is that if you want to run in taint mode you need to satisfy a bunch of extra requirements such as detainting $ENV{PATH} and all commandline arguments before any re-execing occurs.

# -*- mode: cperl; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; basic-offset: 2 -*-
# vim:ts=8:sw=2:et:sta:sts=2
# Author: rpettett
# Last Modified: $Date$
# Id: $Id$
# $HeadURL$
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
use Carp;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
our $VERSION = q[1.0];

Readonly::Scalar our $SLEEP_LONG  => 600;
Readonly::Scalar our $SLEEP_SHORT => 30;


my @original_argv = @ARGV;


# handle SIGHUP restarts
local $SIG{HUP} = sub {
  carp q[caught SIGHUP];
  exec $PROGRAM_NAME, @original_argv;

my $last_modtime;

while(1) {
  # handle software-deployment restarts
  my $modtime = -M $PROGRAM_NAME;

  if($last_modtime && $last_modtime ne $modtime) {
    carp q[re-execing];
    exec $PROGRAM_NAME, @original_argv;
  $last_modtime = $modtime;

  my $did_work_flag;
  eval {
    $did_work_flag = do_stuff();
  } or do {
    $did_work_flag = 0;

  local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
    carp q[rudely awoken by SIGALRM];

  my $sleep = $did_work_flag ? $SLEEP_SHORT : $SLEEP_LONG;
  carp qq[sleeping for $sleep];
  sleep $sleep;